25 July, 2008

Hum, fly etched in the urinal, ah, must be Schiphol

Been an interesting month or so, on June 15th (the weekend before the ‘dry lightning’ and the subsequent fires in NorCal) I was with daughter and her SO seeking a Geocache upon Sanhedrin Mountain near N 39° 30.00 W 123° 05.00

Funny thing, the cache was hidden in some rocks like this

according to the geology textbooks this type of rock is laid down in layers of sediment far out in the ocean at depth, is then subducted or otherwise compressed and heated – then bent – and then somehow ends up sitting at 7000’ elevation atop much younger rocks – things that make you go - humm…

On the ride up came across two bear cubs wrassling in the road - about the time we realized what they were, momma came charging from the high side of the road yelling "get off the road, you idiots!" and swatted them down the hill following right after them - and its not a minor slope!

while discussing bear hair color, I remarked that the local brown bear comes in a range from almost black (the cubs) through reddish browns (mama was a brown) to almost a blond (which got the "no way" response) on the way down we startled a almost blond surfer dreads bear with darker 'handcuffs' that was much closer than I'd care for while we were parked at the summit

These “Pussy Paws” were starting to bloom

Then a week in Brest with the reminders of the last world war and older bits of history

Then finally several days of vacation

Went to Lassen and smelled the SO2 vents

Walked through a lava tube

- wait, that last one was from the light house neat Brest

Found some more geocaches near Hat Creek

And ended up the day at a fish hatchery

Wait, where did that blue one come from?

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