04 January, 2006

Somewhere between agnostic and atheist

Semantically, there is no content difference between “In the beginning, God said “let there be light” and “from the singularity (the Big Bang) the universe exploded in a burst of energy”. There is a diametrically opposite world view between the two statements.

For my simple mind the major difference can be stated thusly; The first statement implies explicit knowledge that is handed down from on high, unalterable, unquestionable and non falsifiable. The second implies questioning, wondering and experimentation – and the ability to discard theories that do not adhere to observation and measurement.

As an engineer, I can not look at what little of the universe I’m able to perceive without awe and wonder at how well it all works – however, as a curiosity driven homo sap I also can’t resist poking and teasing with the miniscule tools at my disposal at some the more accessible bits, in my case the electromagnetic spectrum, - I’m still playing with the two slit problem with Schrödinger's cat.

I’m not advocating my position or attacking anyone’s beliefs just stating my POV

I find it interesting that those who promote Intelligent Design (ID) and deny the ‘theory’ of evolution have no problem with the concept of the avian flu virus mutating (evolving) and just what sort of Intelligent Designer puts the playground equipment adjacent to the waste treatment facility?

Married to a Catholic and our children went to Catholic elementary and middle school (without it seems, any permanent damage) however when asked why I didn’t partake in communion my response of “Sure, I’ll engage in a little ritual cannibalism with a papist – if he will offer the host to an infidel” somehow did not open a reasonable dialogue as I had hoped. But, no one has asked me since.

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