09 August, 2008

One summer day in NorCal

(all pictures - click to enlarge)

Oh, that’s not something good

Don’t know the details of how or exactly where it started – from my vantage point it looks like somewhere between the gun club and the reservation but there is brush and terrain in my line of sight so that is preliminary

Update; fire was stared at the gun club

Its good to see the aircraft I know from more trying times still active, these used to be called S-2’s, had jet engines that sounded like a Hoover vacuum on steroids and shorter wings, now with some serious turboprops and a serious wing span - they are a welcome sight

Ah, now that's the good stuff!

even the old H1 is still dropping 300 gallons on the few hot spots

its under control now and almost out, the ground crews are out doing their bit to keep it that way.

Update; fire crews worked for a few hours clearing a break around the charred area, then back to camp and prepare for the next call

they don't pay any of those folks near enough


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